Wednesday, September 1, 2010

China Glaze Strawberry Fields

            Good evening, everyone! Today, I'm wearing a color that I held out on buying for a really long time, China Glaze Strawberry Fields from last year's Summer Days Collection. I liked it and thought it was a pretty color, but I just did not get that omgigottahaveitnownownow feeling about it. So whenever I saw it on the internet or in the BSS, I'd put it in my basket, only to put it back right before checkout. I do the same thing with Watermelon Rind, Grape Juice, and Flying Dragon. But I finally got Strawberry Fields this summer, and at long long last, I'm wearing it. So here it is:

Strawberry Fields is a raspberry-pink (for lack of better description) polish packed with fine copper and gold shimmer. 

Sunlight, no flash. 

Sunlight, no flash. 

Sunlight, no flash.

Natural light, no flash.

Sunlight, no flash.

Sunlight, no flash.

     I like Strawberry Fields. It's a bright, rich and warm color, and positively screams summer. The shimmer has to be my favorite part though, because instead of being the kind that reflects light, it actually sparkles and brings the whole polish to a higher level. Application-wise, it was also quite nice, going on smoothly and easily.  Strawberry Fields built to bottle color nicely, being opaque by my second coat. The pictures are with three coats though, because I applied this at night and was scared that in the morning, I'd find some VNL.  
    Overall, I'd definitely say that Strawberry Fields is a great polish. It's super pretty, and is a wonderful pink to have in the stash. And I actually kind of regret waiting so long to get it. 
    But of curiosity, are there any colors that you guys want but are just putting off buying? And how come you're waiting? I do that all the time with other stuff, and I've been told it's strange, but I don't think so. Like they forgot to give me a desk chair for my room, and I still have yet to request one. I think it's because I'm lazy. ;_;